
In 2024, I would like to spend more time with music in a variety of ways.


I love to listen to music. But lately I found myself listening to the same tunes over and over again. I want to breakt with this habit! My goals are …


My main instrument is the electric bass. I even have a Bachelor's degree in jazz/popular music. And during my studies at university, transcribing songs was a very important exercise. It trains you to listen actively. If you have heard for yourself which notes an instrument plays in a song, you can remember it much better afterwards than if you play it from existing sheet music. And yes, there havn't been free available tabs or notes on the internet back then. So no chance to cheat!

I want to listen and learn again.


A while ago I had a closer look at GarageBand which ships with Mac OS. It's amazing what you can do with this free software. I already started to create music and to produce my own tracks. I want to do more stuff like this and maybe even publish it one day … maybe! We'll see.

The New Years Jam is a little example. Maybe more to come.

Handcrafted. Hosted on Uberspace. Original image by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash.